Empower your people.

The easiest way to visualise your teams' feedback and foster a great corporate culture.

For: IT & Media Care, Health & Pharma  Logistics & Transportation Administrations & Public Sector Retail & Gastronomy Science & Research Banks & Insurances

Efficient feedback for best results

Offer employees and managers an anonymous feedback channel that visualises the working atmosphere and important topics.
Evaluated in just 30 seconds, you gain important insights for the best decisions.

Our Feedback and Change-Loop

Measure, analyse, act – feedback can be that simple

CompanyMood Loop - Bild Stimmungsbarometer

Gather feedback

CompanyMood - Bild Veränderungen

Initiate change

CompanyMood - Bild Analysieren

Analyze & evaluate

CompanyMood Loop - Bild Stimmungsbarometer

Gather Feedback

CompanyMood - Bild Analysieren

Analyze & evaluate

CompanyMood - Bild Veränderungen

Initiate change

The right range of features - from start-ups to large corporations

Mood and topic barometer

Our system records regular feedback from employees and managers using a validated and simple method. This makes feedback fun and enables challenges and strengths to be recognised early on.

CompanyMood - Screenshots von Analysen

Analytics and Reporting

Easy-to-read reports make it easier for managers to fulfil the role that companies and teams expect of them.

Employees benefit in the long term from an environment in which their voice is heard and valued.

Promote positive change, communication and exchange

CompanyMood enables a constructive exchange on relevant topics and thus supports the feedback culture in teams.

With actions, event pins and other tools, changes are visibly communicated, documented and promoted. With one click.

CompanyMood Beispiel-Screenshots

The right range of features - from start-ups to large corporations

Mood and topic barometer

Our system records regular feedback from employees and managers using a validated and simple method. This makes feedback fun and enables challenges and strengths to be recognised early on.

Analytics and reporting

Easy-to-read reports make it easier for managers to fulfil the role that companies and teams expect of them.

Employees benefit in the long term from an environment in which their voice is heard and valued.

CompanyMood - Screenshots von Analysen

Promote postitive change, communication and exchange

CompanyMood enables a constructive exchange on relevant topics and thus supports the feedback culture in teams.

With actions, event pins and other tools, changes are visibly communicated, documented and promoted.

sichtbar kommuniziert, dokumentiert und beworben. Mit einem Klick.

CompanyMood Beispiel-Screenshots

Support teams with relevant information

CompanyMood provides all the tools for a motivating team and corporate culture


…are the heart of the organisation and the feedback process.

Provide your teams with a secure feedback channel and give employees a voice for real participation and engagement.

People & Culture / HR

…are tirelessly committed to the culture and people in the company.

Support your HR with reliable data to create a strong corporate culture.


…are important allies and drivers of a positive team culture.

Use digital leadership and decisions on the pulse of the team to support your management.

Executive boards

…are strategists and steer the development of the organization.

Sharpen the ‘top-down perspective’ for better and data-based decisions.


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use CompanyMood for better decisions.

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receive a voice from their employer.

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benefit from feedback for organizational culture.

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use our mood barometer to bind and attract talents.